Go Green (2): Your Guide to Sustainable Lifestyle at Work


Contrary to widespread belief, going green at work (read “Go Green” series) does not mean an increased cost. It actually helps reduce expenses and increase profits by using less energy and resources, in addition to reducing costly waste. Moreover, adopting ecofriendly practices will reflect unto your business by attracting top talents and partners who consider organizations’ social and environmental commitments. Never miss a chance to live greener; practice simple good green habits and lead a sustainable lifestyle at your workplace.

  1. Keep It Natural

Go literally greener in your workplace by adding fresh greenery in every corner. Indoor greenery does not only look good and purifies the air; studies have shown it can improve physical and mental health as well as lead to more productivity and less stress and anxiety. Pretty incredible, right?

If you have a window that can be opened in your workplace, you are truly blessed. Never miss a chance to let natural light in instead of artificial one, if possible. In addition to reducing office electricity bills, it adds a great ambiance to the place and makes employees and guests feel warm and welcomed.

  1. Manage your Power

The easiest way to reduce your carbon footprint at work is by turning lights and electronic devices completely off before you leave. Setting computers in standby mode when they are not in use and screensavers use a lot of energy. Save energy and give your devices a well-deserved break that extends their lives.

You also need to reconsider using the elevator; it takes a large amount of energy as employees travel back and forth between floors. Stairs are a worthy alternative to elevators, since there is no wait-time for a lift; adding to that, they will contribute towards your good health.

  1. Think Before You Act

Remember those reminders at the bottom of lots of emails in your mailbox: “Please Consider the Environment Before Printing”? Such considerations should be at the core of your work habits; think about things you do and consider more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Monitor your printing practices; think before printing: can you manage these documents as soft copy? When printing is inevitable, consider printing on both sides using the double-sided printing option. Also, learn different ways to do things electronically, such as signing off on documents using e-signatures, and setting up a collaborative online workspace to communicate without using traditional methods; there are several virtual options that do not involve paper.

  1. Make the Most of Your Used Items

A cluttered work environment makes it harder for employees to focus on their tasks. When our workspace is a mess, so are we. Keeping your work environment organized helps reduce stress; to achieve a win-win situation for us and the planet, simplify your life by reusing and recycling things you no longer need at your workspace. Do not make disposal your first option; get creative and find inspiration for just about anything on social media sites—Pinterest is my favorite!

Donate books and manuals you no longer need to benefit someone else. Recycle or donate old electronics too when you upgrade an equipment; ask if someone else needs it, it could be of value to them. In addition, reuse paper by writing on its blank side if you do not have a double-sided printing option. Check also blank spots of paper in your old notebooks too before you throw them away; cut them out and customize your own to-do list sheet.

  1. Watch Out What You Use

Employees spend most of their day at work and use lots of disposable and unsustainable materials throughout the day, which they need to reconsider. It would be better if you use hand dryers or reusable cloth towels instead of paper towels. To fuel their minds and body, employees also need to bring food from home and pack it ahead of time using reusable containers and bags. Whenever possible, use reusable water bottles, cups, plates, and cutlery at your workplace.

If short of time and have to buy packed food, at least make sure to dispose of waste in a recycle bin. Adding to the expenses you will cut when you stop buying packed food and disposable water bottles, you will improve your health and enjoy the personal touch of your freshly-made food, as well as avoid ingesting invisible plastic residue.

  1. Commute to Work Effectively

Swap singular car trips for carpooling, public transport, biking, or walking. Talk to people in your neighborhood to set up a carpooling system, or join already established ones in your area. Ueveryone could benefit by cutting back on gas and saving money on the long term. If you do not live far from work, consider walking and biking to work when the weather is pleasant; it is healthy, saves money, and reduces your carbon footprint.

Small things do make a big difference; practicing good green habits means celebrating life. Such simple practices can by all means save our budget, workplace, and planet. If you cannot do them all, choose at least three and make them your habit this year. Let us collaborate to get one step closer to a greener planet and secure life for future generations.






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