
Air Conditioners and the Spread of Viral Infections
(Health and Diseases)

Air conditioners have become a necessity, especially with global warming; nearly all public places use air conditioners. At this point, everyone wonders: Can air conditioners spread viruses?

Social Stigma and COVID-19
(Health and Diseases)

The patients of COVID-19 might face negative and social discrimination due to people’s ignorance about the disease. They blame a tangible source of infection, the patient, as if they were the source of the pandemic.

Earth from Another Perspective
(Astronomy and Space Sciences)

Is it possible to learn more about our life on Earth by reading in astronomy? It seems that the correct answer is “No”; however, astronauts can change that to a big “Yes”.

Mother Knows Best
(Science Fun Time: Stories and Activities)

Sitting down with his small family to watch their favorite daily series, Ahmed hears “etchiu!”; the sound of his younger sister sneezing several times, but no one is paying attention. He looks at his parents and wonders: Are these the symptoms of COVID-19?

Cosmetics between the Past and the Present
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Do you think that cosmetics are a modern invention? You are completely wrong if you thought so; cosmetics are as ancient as history itself!

Robotic Surgery
(Health and Diseases)

Robotic surgery is a misleading term because it implies that the surgery is performed by a robot; nothing could be further from the truth.

Cold Healing
(Health and Diseases)

Cryosurgery is the use of extreme cold—nitrogen, carbon dioxide, Argon gas, and freeze sprays—to damage and inhibit the growth of abnormal cells and some tumor cells.

Is Fire Healing Possible?
(Health and Diseases)

The theory of healing with fire revolves around the preservation of the balance between hot and cold elements in the body; fire healers claim it surpasses eastern and western medicine.

The Best Way to Change Behavior
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Can you remember the last time you achieved a milestone in your life or changed your behavior in a way that you have never imagined? Was that in response to a threat or a reward?

Should Handheld Devices Be Banned for Children under 12 Years?
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

“Mom, can I download a new game? Please Mom, please type in your password here”. My daughter looks at me with pleading eyes as she thrusts her iPad in my hands, not waiting for my answer.

Safe Injection Technology
(Health and Diseases)

Discovering needles in the 1850s is one of the most significant achievements. Despite the widespread of syringes, they caused many problems. To limit them, scietists have invented new injection methods.

I, You, and the Others
(Science in Arts and Culture)

Ever since the beginning of times, Man has always sought to represent himself in various ways. We can trace back the appearance of human representation on the walls of prehistoric caves.

Learning vs. Performance
(Education, Business, and Society)

You just wake up feeling drained, unable to make any progress; all attempts of pushing yourself to work hard end in vain and your expectations of great results just crack.

Escaping the Clutches of Depression
(Health and Diseases)

Feeling sad, losing joy and hope, succumbing to anxiety, moodiness, and social seclusion are painful human emotions that indicate a possible diagnosis of depression. The positive aspect, however, is that treatments are available for this condition.

Coronavirus Travel Tips
(Health and Diseases)

Can our routine be the same during the coronvirus pandemic? Can families travel and enjoy nature? Or should they abide by the rules of social distancing and home quarantine to avoid infection.

The Story of the Senses
(Human Body)

As children, we were taught that we only have “five senses” to guide us through life; it turns out that what we were taught at school was inaccurate.

A Sugar Free World (2): How to Reduce Your Sugar Intake?
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Overcoming a sweet tooth is difficult, even for those having a strong will; research shows sugar tricks your brain to demand more and more sugar.

Operating Systems: A Computer Story
(Computers and Information Technology)

Nowadays, everyone has a personal computer that they can easily use without any special training or knowledge, thanks to the user-friendly operating systems out there. In the past, things were not that easy though.

A Sugar Free World (1): The Dangers of Excess Sugar Intake
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

"We consume too much sugar!" You must have heard this statement before; it is worth hearing over and over again.

Biodiversity and the Pharmaceutical Industry
(Health and Diseases)

Observing nature and scouring it in search for remedies and healing is by no means a new trend; humans have done so for tens of millennia.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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