
Note-by-Note Cuisine
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

Note-by-Note Cuisine is a relatively modern trend of cooking that takes cooking to much further and unpredictable realms.

​Household Antiseptics: A Double-Edged Sword
(Education, Business, and Society)

Nowadays, household antiseptics are indispensable in any home, because of their great importance in sterilizing and sanitizing each part of it. 

The Deadliest Viruses in History: Influenza and Ebola
(Health and Diseases)

Which virus do we consider deadly? Is it the virus that spreads quickly? Or is it the virus that kills most of the infected persons?

Climate Change and Human Health
(Earth Sciences)

Nowadays, everyone around the world is familiar with the dangers of climate change as one of the most visible environmental concerns, where temperature is rising, polar glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. 

Watermelon Snow
(Earth Sciences)

Arctic glaciers play several vital environmental roles. They stabilize weather patterns and serve as natural air conditioners.

Soil Compounds to Treat Tuberculosis
(Health and Diseases)

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that usually affects the lungs. It is the second biggest killer, globally; in 2015, 1.8 million people died of TB and an estimate of 10.4 million new cases was registered. 

Light Painting Photography
(Science in Arts and Culture)

Generally, light in photography is essential in producing photos. It can make the difference between an incredible shot and a terrible one. 

Deciphering Light
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

Ancient Greeks developed some theories that explained what light is, making it possible for scientists to decipher it. 

​Vitamin Sea: Thalassotherapy
(Health and Diseases)

As summer approaches, we start planning our vacations; first on the list is going to the beach, where we enjoy swimming and tanning. 

Sunglasses: Protecting Shields
(Inventions and Innovations)

Have you set for a joyful vacation this summer? Do not forget to pack your sunglasses. Need a new pair?

(Earth Sciences)

Summer is upon us and the thought of travel will definitely cross our minds, for the unrelenting pace of our lives leaves us with a need to relax and unwind.

Prometheus’ Gift to Mankind
(Earth Sciences)

Legend has it that it was Prometheus, one of the Titans in Greek mythology, who gave fire as a gift to Mankind; he was punished severely by the gods for giving humanity a precious and useful tool. 

Paleontology and Human Cancer Studies
(Health and Diseases)

While an estimated 14.1 million people in the world are living with cancer, the origins of the devastating disease have remained a mystery. ​

West Antarctic Ice Shelf Breaking Up from the Inside Out
(Earth Sciences)

The continent of Antarctica is bigger than the United States of America and Mexico combined; it is covered mostly in deep ice that reaches as deep as one-and-a-half kilometer in some places.

Ocean Circulation
(Earth Sciences)

Ocean circulation is the vast water motion inside ocean basins; the Sun, wind, Earth’s rotation, tides, and water density discrepancies affect those currents.

Volcanoes: Natural Gateways to Earth’s Wonders
(Earth Sciences)

Volcanoes are one of the phenomena through which nature expresses itself. Despite their intensity and enormous destructive powers, volcanoes have many benefits compared to their damages

Egypt’s Natural Treasure
(Earth Sciences)

Egypt has been gifted with hundreds of mineral water springs and sand baths that can heal many diseases; it is considered one of the most important therapeutic spots in the world

The Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere
(Earth Sciences)

Earth’s atmosphere has been subject to continuous change since its formation. Earth’s primordial atmosphere started 4 billion years ago when the material forming Earth coalesced and melted.

Life Before Oxygen
(Earth Sciences)

One of the well known facts is that oxygen is one of the most essential requirements of life; without it, organisms on Earth would not survive. 

Faults: When Earth Literally Rocks
(Earth Sciences)

In geology, faults do not mean mistakes; faults are cracks in the Earth’s crust, but not all cracks are considered faults.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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