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Remote control : precision warfare is not bloodless

Document type: article
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Abstract: Since the end of the Cold War, rapid progress in commercial technology, along with the War on Terror and international peace enforcing missions, have been driving precision and remote control warfare. But these weapons do not fulfill the promise of ‘bloodless’ war. One US researcher speculates that the US may not have killed sufficient enemies in the second Gulf War. Precision warfare may fail to force the enemy into submission, because it does not last long enough and because it does not undermine military and civilian morale. Still, there are alternatives to this vicious cycle of perpetual precision warfare. Several other solutions have been proposed, including employing more military force, utilizing more police and intelligence methods, and using more good old-fashioned diplomacy.
Authors: Malsch, I.
Category: Policy
End Page: 10
Serial number: 8
ISSN: 1874-2033
Journal: The Broker
Keywords: conflict
Language: eng
Organization: The Broker
Year: 2008
Right: © 2008 IDP. This article has been licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license.
Subject: Humanitarian Assistance
Start Page: 8
Title: Remote control : precision warfare is not bloodless