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We need to scratch where it itches!! : practices of Dutch NGOs and their partners with programmatic approaches

Document type: report
Download file(s): 145390 (733 KB)
Abstract: This research paper is part of a PSO guided process called the Learning Trajectory on Programmatic Approaches. This research paper includes an extensive description of how exploring programmatic approaches has influenced a number of organisations on various levels. You will find that the experiences differ depending on the perspective these organisations take and the context they operate in, being either a PSO member (i.e. a northern NGO/donor) or a southern partner. Notwithstanding this diversity, a number of general lessons can be drawn, specifically with regards to the roles and relationships between various stakeholders. For instance, on who ‘leads and owns’ development interventions.
Authors: Snelder, R.
Country: Sudan , China , Philippines
Category: Research
Keywords: development policy , aid programmes , aid coordination , evaluation
Language: eng
Organization: PSO - Capacity Building in Developing Countries
PAGE: 41
Place: The Hague
Publisher: PSO
Year: 2006
Right: © 2006 PSO
Subject: Development Cooperation General
Title: We need to scratch where it itches!! : practices of Dutch NGOs and their partners with programmatic approaches

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