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The practice of organisational assessment : survey results & considerations

Document type: report
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Abstract: This publication is the result of study and the collection and analysis of data on the issue of Organisational Assessment (OA). PSO’s Knowledge Centre (PSO KC) assigned a team of ETC Netherlands (an independent consultancy agency in the field of capacity building) to conduct a study on the practice of OA. The objective of the study was to obtain a better insight into the different OA practices PSO members were applying, in their experiences with these practices, and in their learning needs in the field of OA. The outcomes of the study were to serve a joint reflection by PSO and its members on PSO’s OA learning trajectory in its current setup and its possible future. The publication therefore aims at providing input for a PSO KC learning conference on OA for PSO members to be held on 28 April 2005.
Authors: Kamphuis, E. , Harnmeijer, J. , Verberne, F.
Category: Practice
Keywords: evaluation , capacity building
Language: eng
Organization: PSO - Capacity Building in Developing Countries
Organization: ETC Netherlands
PAGE: 29
Place: The Hague [etc.]
Publisher: PSO [etc.]
Year: 2005
Right: © 2005 PSO
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: The practice of organisational assessment : survey results & considerations