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Estrategias legales para ocuparse de las consecuencias negativas de proyectos extractivos en Latinoamérica

Document type: report
Download file(s): 342107 (683 KB)
Note: This document is a report of a study conducted within the framework of the project for coordination of legal strategies between CIDSE members and their partners for the EPLA (Extractives and Poverty in Latin America) project. The need for the consolidation of collaboration regarding legal strategies and actions in dealing with the negative consequences of extractive projects in Latin America was concluded at the occasion of previous EPLA meetings in Lima, Peru (May 2008), and Belem do Pará, Brazil (January 2009). The document at hand consists of the following parts: A short discussion of the differences and similarities between the concrete cases and contexts in which the CIDSE partners are involved; A brief description of the reported violations of the individual and collective rights of indigenous and local communities by extractive companies and governments; An extensive inventory of the various, more and les successful legal defense strategies that have been undertaken by the CIDSE partners in the struggle against the violation of rights of people and communities (including a table in two parts); A brief reflection on the collaborations of the CIDSE partners with other civil society organizations, as well as an indication of their needs in terms of knowledge and contacts.
Authors: Sandt, J.J. van de
Category: Research
Keywords: human rights , industry , law , natural resources
Language: spa
Organization: Cordaid
Organization: DKA Austria
PAGE: 48
Place: The Hague [etc.]
Publisher: Cordaid [etc.]
Year: 2010
Region: Latin America
Right: © 2010 Cordaid & DKA Austria
Subject: Social and Political Change
Title: Estrategias legales para ocuparse de las consecuencias negativas de proyectos extractivos en Latinoamérica

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