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Nederlanders & overheidsbudget ontwikkelingssamenwerking

Document type: report
Download file(s): 359264 (512 KB)
Abstract: In March 2012 NCDO and TNS/NIPO conducted a survey on the knowledge and opinion of people in the Netherlands on public spending and development cooperation. This report presents and analyses the results.
Authors: Carabain, C.L. , Spitz, G. , Hogeling, L.
Series Title: Onderzoeksreeks
Country: Netherlands
Category: Research
Serial number: 3
Keywords: finance , international cooperation , public opinion
Language: nld
Organization: NCDO - National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development
PAGE: 19
Place: Amsterdam
Publisher: NCDO
Year: 2012
Region: Western Europe
Right: © 2012 NCDO
Subject: Development Cooperation General
Title: Nederlanders & overheidsbudget ontwikkelingssamenwerking