Zurcher Geschnetzeltes

Country : Switzerland

500 g veal, thinly sliced

1 large onion, chopped

30 g margarine

250 g mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

15 g flour

125 ml beef broth

125 ml white wine

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tbsp beef seasoning

125 g cream

Parsley, chopped (optional)

-   Melt margarine in a large skillet.

-   Add onions and veal and panfry until golden.

-   Panfry mushrooms in a second skillet until golden then add to veal.

-   Add flour and mix well to coat all contents in skillet then pour broth and wine into skillet and simmer for about 5 minutes.

-   Add salt, pepper, beef seasoning and cream and bring to the boil.

-   Add parsley, if desired, and serve.