Fattet Makdous

Country : Syria

500 g beef, cubed

1 onion, chopped

Mastic crystals

Few cardamom pods

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tbsp olive oil

Water, enough to cover beef

1 kg eggplant, cubed and slightly salted

Oil for frying

3 loaves pita bread, cut into small pieces

4 tbsp ghee

8 tubs yoghurt

2 cloves garlic, mashed

Handful pine nuts

-   Add beef, onion, mastic crystals, cardamom pods, salt and pepper to a pot and sauté for a few minutes in oil then add enough water to cover.

-   Bring to the boil then lower heat and simmer until beef is fully cooked.

-   Fry eggplants in hot oil until golden and drain on paper towels then place in a saucepan.

-   Remove beef from broth with a slotted spoon, add beef broth to eggplants and simmer for 2 minutes then remove from heat.

-   Panfry bread in ghee until golden and crispy.

-   Whisk yoghurt and garlic in a bowl.

-   Spoon bread onto serving dish and gradually add beef broth to bread.

-   Spoon eggplants and beef over bread.

-   Cover with yoghurt and garnish with pine nuts. Serve hot.