Pan Arab Biodiversity conference
Biodiversity conservation has acquired a great significance worldwide. It is increasingly seen as a key to many medical and health benefits due to its major impact on food security and its contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth.

Since the Arab World is rich with many variations due to its vast area and its unique environmental features. It is a home to more than one million species of plants, animals, insects and fish; many of which are found nowhere else in the world.

In that occasion the Bibliotheca Alexandrina will organize a Pan Arab Biodiversity conference at 14-15 December 2009.

The following topics will be discussed:

  1. Arab Biodiversity Heritage: Identification and Documentation.
  2. Problems and Obstacles facing Arab Biodiversity Conservation
  3. Arab Biodiversity Documentation.
  4. Current Efforts in the Arab World for Biodiversity Conservation.
  5. Future Prospective for Biodiversity in the Arab World.

The conference attendance will be by invitation only.
Adib Ali Saad
Adib Ali Saad

Head, Syria Society for Aquatic Environment Protection (Syria).

Alexander Mosseler
Alexander Mosseler

Research Scientist and Canadian Forest Service Coordinator, IUFRO Division 8(Canada).

Ali El-Keblawy
Ali El-Keblawy

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, United Arab Emirates University (UAE).

Amir Yassin
Amir Yassin

Researcher, American Museum of Natural History (USA).

Anthony Miller
Anthony Miller

Director, Centre for Middle Eastern Plants-CMEP (UK).

Bassam Al-Safadi
Bassam Al-Safadi

Researcher, Biotechnology Department, Atomic Energy Commission(AEC), Chamber of Prime Minister(Syria).

Cynthia Parr
Cynthia Parr

Director, Species Pages Group, Encyclopedia of Life (USA).

Ismail Serageldin
Ismail Serageldin

Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt).

James Edwards
James Edwards

Executive Director, Encyclopedia of Life (USA).

Salah Soliman
Salah Soliman

Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University (Egypt).

Sameh Alansary
Sameh Alansary

Associate Professor and Head, the Arabic UNL Language Center, International School of Information Science (ISIS), Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt).

Thomas Garnett
Thomas Garnett

Director, Biodiversity Heritage Library (USA).

Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director, Bibliotheca Alexandrina   
James Edwards, Executive Director, Encyclopedia of life   
Dr. Ismail Serageldin and Dr. James Edwards. The Sign of the MOU between the Encyclopedia of life and the BA   
Dr. Ismail Serageldin and Dr. James Edwards after signing the Arabic EOL Agreement   
Opening Session; Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Dr. James Edwards,Dr. Thomas Garnet and Dr. Cynthia Parr   
Opening Session; Dr. Ismail Serageldin announcing the Beginning of the Arabic Encyclopedia of Life   
Arab biodiversity Experts while listening to the  Session   
Dr. James Edwards introduce the Encyclopedia of life to the Arab Biodiversity Experts   
Dr. James Edwards speaking to the Audience   
Dr. Cynthia Parr speaking to the Audience   
Dr. James Edwards, Dr. Thomas Garnet and Dr. Ismail Serageldin following the Session   
Arab Experts following the Session