Volume: 122 Issued: November 2016
Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), a research center established in July 2003 in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, aims to play a significant role in the progress of science and technology in Egypt. The CSSP will help researchers and scientists to get the best support needed to advance their work through international collaborations.
Dear Subscriber,

In our newsletter this volume:
  • TWAS-ARO Newsletter
  • Women in Science Conference
  • 8th Annual Competitive Game: From the Earth to the Moon
  • Appel à candidatures des Bourses doctorales en France
  • Other Opportunities
TWAS-ARO Newsletter

TWAS-ARO Newsletter

Subscribe Now!         

The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries-Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO) will issue its first Newsletter Soon.

Subscribe Now to receive all the TWAS-ARO news, announcements, events and calls for the different prizes and programs

Women in Science Conference


Women in Science Conference
21-23 March 2017
Cairo, Egypt


The 1st International Conference on Women in Science and International Networking:

Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM in Favor of Sustainable development (Women in Science without Borders (WISWB)). WISWB is organized under the patronage of Egyptian senior and young academies (ASRT and EYAS). WISWB is supported by the Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF).

This event will be held in Cairo, Egypt from 21-23 March 2017 and is intended to serve as a conference committed to communicate cutting edge research from around the world. Participation is not limited to women but it is open for both men and women scientists. Cross-disciplinary talks are encouraged and not limited to issues associated with women.

For more information, please contact:


Dr. Amal Amin via e-mail: aamin_07@yahoo.com

WIS brochure.pdf

8th Annual Competitive Game: From the Earth to the Moon


8th Annual Competitive Game: From the Earth to the Moon

Deadline for Application:  30 April 2017

The 8th Annual Competitive Game, organized jointly by the French Federation for Mathematical Games and SCM, has started.

It is endowed with 2,000 Euros of prizes. The topic this year is Jules Verne's novel "From the Earth to the Moon".

For more information, please visit: http://www.scmsa.eu/archives/SCM_FFJM_Competitive_Game_2016_2017.pdf

Appel à candidatures des Bourses doctorales en France


Appel à candidatures des Bourses doctorales en France


Deadline for Application:  31 January 2017


L'Ambassade de France - Institut Français d'Egypte propose des bourses aux doctorants égyptiens souhaitant se rendre dans un laboratoire français pour une durée de 6 mois maximum. Cette bourse comprend la prise en charge du transport, de la couverture sociale et du cout de la vie en France.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Etre de nationalité égyptienne et inscrit en thèse de doctorat,

  • Etre âgé de 45 ans au plus à la date limite de candidature,

  • Etre francophone ou anglophone, avec un niveau répondant aux exigences du projet,

  • Ne pas bénéficier d'une autre bourse du gouvernement français,

  • Le projet doit s'inscrire dans la liste des domaines d'études éligibles.

Domaines d'étude concernés

Sciences au sens large : sciences pour l'ingénieur, agriculture, sciences exactes : mathématiques, physiques, chimie et sciences de la vie, nano- et bio- technologies, sciences de la terre, de l'univers et de l'environnement, sciences politiques, sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication.



Si vous remplissez les critères d'éligibilité et souhaitez déposer un dossier de candidature, vous devez remplir le formulaire en ligne et fournir :


§  CV récent rédigé en français ou en anglais,

  • Lettre d'invitation de la part du responsable du laboratoire d'accueil précisant les dates du séjour,

  • Résumé du projet de recherche dans lequel s'intégrera le séjour en France, rédigé en français ou en anglais,

  • Lettre de recommandation rédigée en français ou en anglais,

  • Copie du passeport,

  • Copie du dernier diplôme obtenu,

  • Copie de la convention en cas de codirection ou cotutelles de thèse.

Ces documents sont à envoyer à l'adresse :

coopscience@institutfrancais- egypte.com


Date limite de candidature : 31 Janvier 2017


Attachments: Arabic announcement

Other Opportunities


TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme: 2016 call for applications 


Deadline for Application:  1 December 2016


The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)


The TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme enables competent researchers from the developing countries to visit participating centres of excellence in the South for research collaboration. An associate is appointed for three years during which s/he can visit a selected centre twice for 2-3 months each time. Almost 300 centres participate in the scheme.

TWAS provides travel support for the associates and a contribution towards incidental local expenses up to USD300 per month while living expenses are covered by the host centres.

Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent degree and include an invitation letter from the host centre. Special consideration is given to scientists from isolated institutions in developing countries. Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.

Attached please find the application form and the lists of participating centres

(the CONICET list is for centres located in Argentina).

For more information, please visit:







CONICET_list of centres_F


















Contact Info:

Bibliotheca Alexandrina - P.O. Box 138 - El Shatby, Alexandria 21526, Egypt
☎ Phone: +(203) 4839999 - E-mail: CSSP@bibalex.org

Important Links:

CSSP Home Page
Science Supercourse


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