Professor Rasha El Khouly


Prof. Dr. Rasha El-Kholy has 20 years' experience working in the field of sustainable development, conventional/renewable resources management and environmental protection. With her wide exposure to European and Canadian education she has formulated and presented curricula, programs, bylaws and policies for the consideration of the faculty of engineering in private universities. Dr. Rasha has managed many foreign funded research projects as well as local programs in the field of water quality monitoring, modeling and assessment, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/Remote Sensing (RS), waste treatment and gender mainstreaming. She has more than 10 years of experience developing specialized post graduate and training programs especially in Projects Design and Management (PDM) as well as supervising Ph.D. and M.Sc. students from Egyptian universities. She also serves as a short term consultant for the United Nations - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and highly involved with international organizations as CIDA, World Bank, UNDP, Italian development Cooperation, UNESCO, USAID, GIZ and quite a few others. Prof. El-Kholy has published several scientific and technical papers in national and international scientific journals and periodicals in addition to some chapters in international books and numerous technical reports. She is an active member in many international associations annealing scientific research to serve humanity's well-being and protect the environment.
