Najia Kbir-Ariguib


Doctor of Sciences, Professor of Chemistry. Former Director of the Tunisian National institute of Scientific and Technical Research. Member of the National Consultative Council of Scientific Research and Technologies; Fellow of IUPA, TWAS, AAS, Arab Academy of Sciences, UNESCO-IBSP&hellip. Her principale fields of investigation are natural mineral resources (phosphates, lakes salts and clays). She was previously co-ordinator of the National Program on Phosphates and Briny Water and member of several committees (chemical education , environment , extraatmospheric space , remote sensing and scientific research planning)


Development is always the consequence of advance in Sciences and Technologies: Sciences generate the knowledge; engineering tries to apply the scientific results; and technologies give the tools to produce new materials, new processes, industries, cultures they intervene in any development in our life. Only good education is leading to knowledge, thus to the development.