Hala Essalmawi


Ms. Essalmawi, Principal Attorney, and the Intellectual Property Rights Officer at the Library of Alexandria. She is the Project Lead of the Library�s Access to Knowledge initiative and the editor of its website (www.bibalex.org/a2k) . Formerly, she was eIFL-IP Country Coordinator and the research coordinator for the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) �Consumer Protection in the Microfinance Industry Research Project�. She is the Project Lead for Creative Commons in Egypt.

Ms. Essalmawi is a Doctoral Candidate at Helwan University, Law School. Her thesis is on �Access to Knowledge Under the Intellectual Property Law and the Consumer Protection Law� She holds a Bachelor of Law and a Masters of Law from the Faculty of Law, Alexandria University; a postgraduate Diploma in International Law and Development, the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands; and an LL.M in Intellectual Property, Turin University, Italy.  
