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Mother Goose on the Loose


Mother Goose on the Loose

The Children’s Library offers a program for babies and preschoolers. The Program is based on the American Program “Mother Goose on the Loose”, and the Library implemented this program in English. The Program comprises 11 sessions spread over a month and a half. It included 10 sessions which included songs, storytelling , puppets show and dancing shows in English. This Program aims to introduce early learning for children aged 1 day to 3 years, and develop their reading, listening, and learning skills. The librarian uses for this Program books, music, movement, repetition and positive enforcement, developmental advice, rhyme, illustrations, puppets, musical instruments, and colored scarves.

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Contact Person: Heba Reda
Phone: + (203) 4839999 Ext: 2622

هو برنامج يهدف إلي تطوير مهارات الطفل السمعية، البصرية والحركية بالإضافة إلى المهارات الشخصية ومهارات التواصل للأطفال من سن يوم إلى ثلاث سنوات، وذلك من خلال سماع الأغاني والتفاعل مع الألعاب، الألوان والأدوات الموسيقية المختلفة

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تليفون: Ext: 2622