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Provider Elsevier B.V.

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Scopus offers over 15,000 peer-reviewed titles from more than 4,000 publishers, over 12,850 academic journals including coverage of 500 Open Access journals, 700 conference proceedings, 600 trade publications, 28 million abstracts (dating back to 1966), 245 million references added to all abstracts (dating back to 1996), results from 250 million scientific web pages, 13 million patent records from 4 patent offices. The database also offers seamless links to a great deal of full text articles. Subject coverage includes 3,400 life sciences titles, 5,300 tiles in health sciences, 5,500 in physical sciences and 2,850 in social sciences.

Access to this database is provided through the National Consortium: The Egyptian Knowledge BanK.

Subjects Medical Sciences; Science & Technology; Social Sciences
Topics Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences
Coverage 1966–present
Update Daily
Target Audience Researchers