Workshops Archive


From: 08 November 2009 To: 12 November 2009 Age Group: 11 -12 years

Adaptation is one of the basic phenomena of biology. It is the process where an organism becomes better suited to its habitat, and it is especially important for an organism's survival. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce a simple concept of evolution and adaptation. Students will be able to learn what adaptation is by studying the evolution of animals from different habitats.   

Duration: 90 Minutes


From: 01 November 2009 To: 05 November 2009 Age Group: 11 -12 years

All forms of energy are stored through different ways in the energy sources that we use every day. These sources are divided into renewable sources that include solar energy, wind, geothermal energy, biomass, and hydropower; and nonrenewable sources that include fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, and coal. This workshop presents the different forms of energy, through interactive experiments that explain how energy is transformed from one form to another, and demonstrates energy properties and their applications in daily life.

Duration: 90 Minutes


From: 25 October 2009 To: 29 October 2009 Age Group: 13 -14 years

Chemistry is the science of chance. It looks at all the different kinds of substances and how they interact with each other. People in widely differing walks of life use chemistry every day. This chemistry workshop comprises some simple and fun scientific experiments that familiarize children with some chemical secrets, such as chemical reactions, atoms and molecules, the difference between compounds and mixtures, acid base reactions, among many other secrets.    

Duration: 90 Minutes

Human Body

From: 18 October 2009 To: 22 October 2009 Age Group: 9 -10 years

The human body is the entire physical and mental structure of a human organism. By the time the human reaches adulthood, the body consists of around 10 trillion cells. Groups of cells combine to form tissue, which combines to form organs, which work together to form organ systems. This workshop is about the human body and its enthralling wonders. It includes experiments about lung capacity, digestion, DNA, the skeleton, pulse, as well as embryonic stages.   

Duration: 90 Minutes


From: 11 October 2009 To: 15 October 2009 Age Group: 11 -12 years

The word “Matter” refers to the substance of which objects are made. It is defined as anything that has both mass and volume. Matter can exist in several different forms, known as phases, which have chemical composition and physical properties. These phases include three familiar ones; solid, liquid, and gas; as well as more exotic states, such as plasmas, super fluids, super solids, Bose-Einstein condensates. During this workshop, students will learn the different forms of matter, and get to examine each phase of it.    

Duration: 90 Minutes


From: 21 June 2009 To: 27 August 2009 Age Group: 6 -12 years

A star is a massive, mysterious luminous ball of plasma that is held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on Earth. Other stars are visible in the night sky when they are not outshone by the Sun. In this workshop, students will discover the names of the stars, their characteristics and classifications, in addition to many other interesting facts.


Brain Teasers

From: 21 June 2009 To: 27 August 2009 Age Group: 6 -12 years

The brain is not a passive recipient of knowledge. In order to gain new information, the brain must be able to focus on important cues and store them in its short-term memory. The objective of this workshop is to help students test and exercise their brains with puzzles, as well as logic and strategy games to sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

In the Bubble

From: 21 June 2009 To: 27 August 2009 Age Group: 6 -12 years

What is so fascinating about bubbles? Is it the precise spherical shape; the incredibly fragile nature of the extremely thin soap film; the beautiful colors that swirl and shine; or is it a combination of all these phenomena? Why does a bubble form a sphere and not a cube, a tetrahedron, or any other geometrical figure? In this workshop, students will observe the forces that form bubbles and try to make them in different colors. This workshop proposes to explore the world of bubbles, from physics to chemistry, from surprising observations to fun hands-on activities!


From: 21 June 2009 To: 27 August 2009 Age Group: 6 -12 years

All forms of energy are stored in different ways in energy sources that we use every day. These sources are divided into renewable sources that include solar energy, wind, geothermal energy, biomass, and hydropower; and nonrenewable sources that include fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, and coal. This workshop presents the different forms of energy, through interactive experiments to explain how energy is transformed from one form to another, its properties and its applications in daily life.



From: 21 June 2009 To: 27 August 2009 Age Group: 6 -12 years

Fossils are the remains of living organisms that existed in old geological ages with their tremendously different conditions, before the start of the New Age we are living in. They are the substantial evidence for the development of living beings. Through fossils, we are able to trace organisms that lived in the past. However, there are important conditions that must be fulfilled to complete the fossilization process, as well as different agents that can prevent it. What fossils are, their kinds, their importance; all these conditions, agents and secrets, students will discover in the fossils workshop.

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