Workshops Archive

AB Science Workshop

From: 30 January 2011 To: 02 February 2011

Let's start with the basic details of science by bringing kids closer to science and its secrets through different parts. Part one will cover the letters A,B,C and D through different simple and fun hands on experiments.  The experiments will describe the digestive system, Acid & Base reactions and batteries. Experiments are carried out by using everyday materials and recycled materials found around the house.



From: 30 January 2011 To: 02 February 2011 Age Group: 9 -12 years

There is more to sugar than the sweet white substance we add to our food and drinks. During this workshop, students will discover the kinds of sugar, and distinguish the difference between simple unilateral sugar and complicated bilateral sugar. They will also learn some intriguing facts about sugar as a great cleaner that reduces the water surface tension for a short time.  

What is the "Matter"?

From: 19 December 2010 To: 23 December 2010 Age Group: 9 -12 years

“Matter” is defined as anything that has both mass and volume. Matter can exist in several different forms, known as phases, which include three familiar ones; solid, liquid, and gas; among other less familiar ones. In this workshop, students will get to examine and learn about the phases of Matter.




Investigating the Nervous System

From: 12 December 2010 To: 16 December 2010 Age Group: 9 -12 years

Humans can recognize each other instantly, distinguish different forms and colors, differentiate between many different smells and feel even a feather brushing their skin. All this seems to be effortless; yet, is it really that simple? What the Central Nervous System is and how it functions is what students are to investigate during this workshop.



Get Soaked

From: 05 December 2010 To: 09 December 2010 Age Group: 6 -12 years

Water is a chemical substance; its molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms connected together by strong links called covalent bonds. In this workshop, students will experiment with water properties and learn about the water cycle, how water is formed, surface tension, and several other water properties.




Exploring the Five Senses

From: 28 November 2010 To: 02 December 2010 Age Group: 6 -9 years

How do we identify the world? What are the five senses? And what is sensory development? In this workshop, students will be involved in activities and experiments on sensory experiences to explore the human five senses. They will be able to identify, compare, classify and investigate the world around them.



Flowing Electrons

From: 21 November 2010 To: 25 November 2010 Age Group: 11 -12 years

Electronics is a very interesting branch of science and technology that deals with electric devices and the flow of electrons. Through the "Flowing Electrons" workshop, students will learn what an electric current is; learn how to build it, in addition to many other intriguing and challenging activities.



How Much Space?

From: 14 November 2010 To: 18 November 2010 Age Group: 10 -11 years

Volume is how much space a substance or shape occupies or contains. Volumes of some simple shapes can be easily calculated using mathematical formulas. During this workshop, students understand what volume is and learn how to measure the volume of different solid and liquid materials and discover their measurement units.



Mechanisms and Movement

From: 07 November 2010 To: 11 November 2010 Age Group: 9 -12 years

Any machine can be looked on as a group of interconnected mechanisms that convert one type of motion to a variety of other motions. Motions are divided into six basic types; linear, rotary, intermittent, reciprocating, oscillation and irregular motion. In this workshop, students learn about mechanisms and movements, and how machines work.



Journey to the Center of the Earth

From: 24 October 2010 To: 28 October 2010 Age Group: 12 -16 years

In this workshop, students use clues to correctly construct a “slice” that demonstrates the internal structure of the Earth. Students also make a model of rock layers in the Earth’s crust to learn how natural forces shape them. Moreover, they get to learn how to classify rocks and identify their different properties.




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