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The TICBolivia country programme : the impact of IICD support for poverty reduction and development using ICTs, 2000-2004

Document type: report
Download file(s): 118714 (1277 KB)
Abstract: This study evaluates the impact of TICBolivia (the Bolivia Country Programme of IICD) from the perspective of poverty alleviation. The impact is measured in terms of who is reached by the programme, and how the services provided have affected their level of awareness, empowerment, and economic options and status. Poor rural connectivity is a major challenge in Bolivia, with its large size and mountainous terrain. Telephone infrastructure in rural areas is generally poor and quite expensive. A very promising approach is shared satellite connectivity, in which several local organizations including the TICBolivia partner share a single satellite link to the Internet and related costs. Local organizations including schools and health centres connect to the Internet hub via a strong wireless network. The first connections are now operational in the small communities of Vallegrande and Lomerio. Satellite connectivity is much faster than traditional dialup, and thus brings all the benefits of convergence – internet radio, multimedia, and voice over IP – to communities which previously did not even have telephone.
Corporate author(s): International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD)
Country: Bolivia
Category: Practice
Keywords: information and communication technologies , poverty
Language: eng
Organization: IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
PAGE: 72
Place: The Hague
Publisher: IICD
Year: 2005
Region: Latin America , South America
Right: © 2005 IICD
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: The TICBolivia country programme : the impact of IICD support for poverty reduction and development using ICTs, 2000-2004