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Addressing violence in schools through transforming their organisational culture : a case study from Israel

Document type: article
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Abstract: Violence in schools is of great concern in Israel, as elsewhere in the world. This includes individual children behaving violently (as described above) and more general violence among and across groups of children. The Bernard van Leer Foundation is concerned with two issues related to violence in schools. One is how to protect younger children from being bullied by older ones; the second is more preventative and seeks to discover if it is possible to alter a school culture by encouraging younger children to behave differently when they reach the higher grades. These issues form the basis for the project “Young Children and the Human Dignity Initiative”, which supplies organisational consultants to primary schools in different parts of Israel. The project is supported by the Foundation and conceptualized and carried out by Sikkuy, an Israeli civil rights organisation. Sikkuy has introduced the Human Dignity Initiative into a range of environments in Israel. Its work in schools stimulated the Foundation to enter into shared learning about how the Human Dignity Initiative can enlist young children and improve their human environments.
Authors: Human Dignity Initiative , Bernard van Leer Foundation programme staff
Country: Israel
End Page: 20
Serial number: 106
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: education , children , violence , human rights
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2006
Region: Western Asia
Right: © 2006 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Education, Science and Technology
Start Page: 16
Title: Addressing violence in schools through transforming their organisational culture : a case study from Israel

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