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Criteria for the evaluation of children’s participation in programming

Document type: article
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Abstract: The criteria described in this document are intended to help create and establish tools to measure the effectiveness, benefits and outcomes of various aspects of young children’s participation in development programmes, especially programmes oriented towards children. They were developed as part of a contribution to the Bernard van Leer Foundation’s ‘learning agenda’ in response to a need – identified by the Foundation’s Latin America desk in 2003 – for a framework to improve understanding of children’s participation and use that knowledge to inform programme development. Ideas for the criteria emerged from a meeting between the Foundation and its Latin American counterparts in Chiapas, Mexico, in February 2004, and were subsequently fleshed out in a small workshop in Beberibe (Ceará), Brazil with the input of Foundation staff, counterparts from Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela, and Gerison Lansdown, an external expert in the field. Although elaborated with Latin American counterparts, they were conceptualised to have an international perspective.
Authors: Lansdown, G.
Category: Policy
End Page: 39
Serial number: 103
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: children , education , participation
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2004
Right: © 2004 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Education, Science and Technology
Start Page: 35
Title: Criteria for the evaluation of children’s participation in programming

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