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Experienced mothers are the key : The Netherlands

Document type: article
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Abstract: This article is about the keys roles that experienced mothers play in Moeders Informeren Moeders (MIM – Mothers Inform Mothers), a community-based early childhood care and development support programme. The project, operated by the Nederlands Instituut voor Zorg en Welzijn (NIZW), is based on the fact that experienced mothers from the same neighbourhood (peer group mothers) can readily support first time mothers and their babies. This idea has its roots in the Irish ‘Community Mothers Programme’ and the ‘Child Development Programme’ from the United Kingdom. Operating through the existing networks of local care organisations, MIM targets mothers from socially vulnerable environments who are not readily reached by regular healthcare services. The core of the project is a home visiting programme, centred on the development of babies and the well-being of the new mothers, and carried out by volunteer experienced mothers who are trained and supported by community nurses. Essentially, MIM has been developed as a part of the regular healthcare provision offered to new mothers. Slightly modified versions of the MIM approach are geared to specific target groups, such as rural populations, migrants, refugees and travelling people. Currently, there are MIM programmes in two large towns, six medium sized towns and three small towns in The Netherlands.
Authors: Graaf, Y. de , Prinsen, B. , Vergeer, M.
Country: Netherlands
Category: Practice
End Page: 23
Serial number: 95
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: children , women , partnership , family
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2000
Region: Western Europe
Right: © 2000 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Culture, Society and Religion
Start Page: 18
Title: Experienced mothers are the key : The Netherlands