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Peru : children's parliaments - hearing children

Document type: article
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Abstract: The author is Coordinator of the Foundation supported Proyecto Resiliencia de los Niños Afectados por Violencia – Pukllay Wasi (Resilience Project for Andean Children Affected by Violence – Play Houses) that is operated by PAR – CEPRODEP, Ayacucho, Peru. PAR stands for Programa de Apoyo al Repoblamiento (Programme of Support for Repopulation) of the Ministerio de Promoción de la Mujer y del Desarrollo Humano (Ministry for the Advancement of Women and of Human Development); and CEPRODEP stands for the Centro de Promoción y Desarrollo Poblacional(Centre for the Advancement and Development of the Population). The project works to develop children's resilience – by which is meant their capacity to confront and resolve adversities in their lives. It operates with almost 500 children between four and twelve years, in remote peasant communities in which poverty and war have created massive stress. This article discusses the Children's Parliaments that the project has developed so that children's voices can be heard and can have an impact on adults who have control over, or influence on, children's lives.
Authors: Ríos Barrientos, G.
Country: Peru
Category: Practice
End Page: 36
Serial number: 91
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: children , poverty , violence , rural development , participation , aid programmes
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 1999
Region: South America
Right: © 1999 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Culture, Society and Religion
Start Page: 30
Title: Peru : children's parliaments - hearing children

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