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Renforcer la sécurisation foncière au Niger : l'émergence des partenariats pour soutenir le Code rural

Document type: report
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Abstract: SNV–Niger aims to increase the income of marginal groups through its support of the new land tenure law and the local land tenure committees. These committees provide a framework for stakeholder discussions and local decision-making. Currently, SNV Niger works in a 17 departments in the regions of Niamey/ Tillabéri/ Dosso, Maradi,Tahoua, and Zinder. It has developed a new strategy for the period 2007-2015. SNV Niger works with local partners to improve access to local services, and to increase production and employment at community level.
Note: Préf. A.K. Mamalo ; sous la réd. de T. Hilhorst
Authors: Djedjebi, T. , Cisse, Y.B. , Mulder, H. , Yimga Tatchi, R. , Hammel, R. , Ousmane, M. , Manzo, I.K. , Wegner, M.
Country: Niger
Category: Practice
Keywords: natural resources , decentralization , communities , poverty , law
Language: fra
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation , KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
PAGE: 34
Place: Niamey
Publisher: SNV-Niger
Year: 2008
Region: Africa , Africa South of Sahara , West Africa
Right: © 2008 SNV & KIT
Subject: Agriculture and Rural Development
Title: Renforcer la sécurisation foncière au Niger : l'émergence des partenariats pour soutenir le Code rural