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Geloofwaardige globalisering : praktijkboek

Document type: book
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Abstract: Christians and churches should reflect from the perspective of faith on the challenge posed by globalization, and are asked to resist the unilateral predominance by way of economic and cultural globalization. The first part of this discussion-cum-practice book supports the awareness in the municipality or parish by means of an analysis of economic globalization from the perspective of ecumenical social teachings. The second part draws attention to the three urgent problems that face us as in 2008 a result of economic globalization: (1) the food and environmental crisis; (2) employment and meaning; and (3) climate change and the poverty gap. These tensions have been dramatised in three casusverhalen with associated discussion questions. The problems of climate change and justice are also addressed from a theological perspective.
Authors: Wensveen, L. van , Witte-Rang, G. , Franken, J. , Sturms, G.
Series Title: Geloofwaardige economie
Category: General
Editor: Koehler, J. , Weijden, R. van der
Keywords: international cooperation , poverty , globalization , religion
Language: nld
Organization: Stichting Oikos
PAGE: 73
Place: Utrecht
Publisher: Stichting Oikos
Year: 2008
Right: © 2008 Stichting Oikos
Subject: Culture, Society and Religion
Title: Geloofwaardige globalisering : praktijkboek

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