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Summary learning report 2008 : Zambia country programme

Document type: report
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Abstract: This report is a summary of the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) report on the Zambia Country Programme in 2008. The Education Sector supported by IICD in Zambia has three major players namely Education Support Network (ESNet) implemented by One World Africa, Enhance the Visual Presentation of Education Content (ENEDCO) implemented by Mpelembe High School and the Copperbelt Teachers Training Education College (EBCE). In this sector more than half of the End-Users were satisfied with the services offered by the projects. Up to 80% of the users, who are mostly teachers, confirmed that the teaching materials facilitated by the project were relevant to their work; they also indicated that the project had significantly improved the quality of teaching notes. Users in the Livelihood Sector too, exhibited high satisfaction of project facilities. The evaluation showed that the overall rate of satisfaction was 80% beating the one for 2007. In this sector it was observed from the evaluation that the marginalized groups like women had significantly high access.
Authors: Luputa, K.M.
Series Title: Country Programmes
Country: Zambia
Category: General
Keywords: information and communication technologies , education , poverty , women
Language: eng
Organization: IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
Place: [The Hague]
Publisher: IICD
Year: 2008
Region: Africa South of Sahara
Right: © 2008 IICD
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: Summary learning report 2008 : Zambia country programme