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Primary health care : geprezen en verketterd

Document type: chapter
Download file(s): 145252 (34 KB)
Abstract: This book chapter discusses the evolution in thinking about health care development programmes in developing countries. Special emphasis is placed on the rise and demise of the primary health care (PHC) paradigm, which is best summarized as health care by and for the population with much attention for education and prevention. Community health workers were trained and conventional health care facilities were neglected. In the late 80s, a more medical and less political approach was called for. In the 90s a new wave of interventions aimed at TB, malaria, and HIV and AIDS changed the focus to a small set of major killers, with all the disadvantages of the earlier PHC approach. Again the need for a robust basic health care system that is less dependent on outside funding is ignored.
Authors: Dubbeldam, R.
Book or source title: Malariamuggen en kangoeroebaby's : 100 jaar internationale gezondheidszorg
Category: Policy
Keywords: health services , development policy , sustainable development
Language: nld
Organization: PSO - Capacity Building in Developing Countries
Publisher: [NVGT]
Year: 2007
Right: Copyright status unknown
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Title: Primary health care : geprezen en verketterd

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