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Compensated sex factor in HIV spread among Peru’s young women

Document type: article
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Abstract: This article describes the practice of compensated sex by young women living in three urban settings in Peru and how it affects their sexual health. The focus is on a specific vulnerable group to HIV, that is, young women who live in poor neighbourhoods, who have a stable partner supporting them economically and young women who have sexual intercourse with casual partners. It was found that: (1) high rates of infection among those practising compensated sex are due to poverty, low education, and limited access to healthcare services; (2) those in stable relationships with a supportive partner did not use condoms because of feelings of gratitude; (3) the use of alcohol and drugs was linked to impaired thinking, thus hampering negotiating condom use in casual sex; and (4) unequal power relations play a major role in compensated sex and its attendant risks.
Authors: Sandoval, C. , Salazar, X. , Cáceres, C.
Country: Peru
Category: Research
End Page: 15
Serial number: 2
ISSN: [1871-7551]
Journal: Exchange on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender
Keywords: HIV and AIDS , women , disease prevention and control
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
Year: 2009
Region: Latin America
Right: © 2009 KIT
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Start Page: 14
Title: Compensated sex factor in HIV spread among Peru’s young women

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