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Microfinance : joint evaluation of the contribution of CFAs to the microfinance sector, 2003-2007 : synthesis report

Document type: report
Download file(s): 217072 (851 KB) 217363 (1551 KB)
Abstract: This is a synthesis report of the jopint evaluation of four co-financing agencies’ (CFA) (Cordaid, Hivos, ICCO and Oxfam Novib) contribution to the microfinance sector. The objective of the evaluation was to gain an insight on the extent to which the CFAs have contributed to building sustainable and socially performing microfinance institutes during the period 2003 - 2007, for the sake of accountability and to draw lessons for the future. , This is a synthesis report of the jopint evaluation of four co-financing agencies’ (CFA) (Cordaid, Hivos, ICCO and Oxfam Novib) contribution to the microfinance sector. The objective of the evaluation was to gain an insight on the extent to which the CFAs have contributed to building sustainable and socially performing microfinance institutes during the period 2003 - 2007, for the sake of accountability and to draw lessons for the future.
Corporate author(s): Partos , Partos
Category: Practice , Practice
Keywords: credit , evaluation , finance , poverty , sustainable development , credit , evaluation , finance , poverty , sustainable development
Language: eng , eng
Organization: Partos , Partos
PAGE: xx, 83 , xx, 83
Place: Amsterdam , Amsterdam
Publisher: Partos , Partos
Year: 2010 , 2010
Right: © 2010 Partos , © 2010 Partos
Subject: Economic Development and Trade , Economic Development and Trade
Title: Microfinance : joint evaluation of the contribution of CFAs to the microfinance sector, 2003-2007 : synthesis report , Microfinance : joint evaluation of the contribution of CFAs to the microfinance sector, 2003-2007 : synthesis report