Eric Marler, M.D.       

        Links about Avian Flu

Avian Influenza - Maps with Time Series - Google Earth
Avian Influenza - One Stop Access to US Gov't Information
Avian Influenza - Global Spread of H5N1 - W
Avian Influenza - Global Spread of H5N1 in 2006 - W
Avian Influenza - Maps
Avian Influenza - Reference Laboratory
Avian Influenza - W
BBC NEWS - Avian Influenza 'could wipe out 62 million'
CDC - Avian Influenza Vaccines
CDC - Avian Influenza
Consortium for Conservation Medicine
FAO - Avian Influenza
Google Scholar Search - David R. Stallknecht
Google Scholar Search - David Swayne
Google Scholar Search - Eric Marler
Google Scholar Search - Ron E. Laporte
Google Scholar Search - William B Karesh
H5N1 - Poultry Trade -- Google Search
H5N1 - Google Image Search
H5N1 - Google News Search by Relevance
H5N1 - Google News Search Sorted by Date
H5N1 - Google Trends Search
H5N1 - Google Video
H5N1 - Google Web Search
H5N1 - W
HEDDS - HPAI Early Detection Data System
HPAI-H5N1 - Google Scholar - Recent Articles
LIAI - Comprehensive Analysis of Influenza Virus Data
LIAI - Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource
NBII - Wildlife Disease Information Node
New Research Predicts US Entry Of H5N1 Avian Influenza
NIAID - Focus On The Flu
NIAID Launch of DNA Vaccine vs H5N1
OIE - World Organization for Animal Health - Avian Influenza
One World One Health
Oseltamivir - Google Search -TThe Global Poultry Trading System - News
Relenza - Google Search
Special Report on Bird Flu - New Scientist
Supercourse - Bird Flu (in Spanish)
Supercourse - Avian Influenza - Zoonosis
Supercourse - Avian Influenza in Vietnam - Cum ga
Supercourse - Avian Influenza
Supercourse - Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health
Supercourse - Influenza Epidemiology, Prevention and Control
Supercourse - Orthomyxoviridae - Influenza Viruses (Veterinary Virology).
Supercourse - Veterinary Preventive Medicine
Supercourse - Veterinary Virology
UN System Influenza Coordination (UNSIC)
UNICEF - Avian influenza - Links
UNICEF - Avian influenza -
USDA - Information Resources on Avian Iinfluenza
USGS - Alaska Science Center - Avian Influenza Research
USGS - National Wildlife Health Center - Avian Influenza
USGS Search - Avian Influenza
USHHS - Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan
USHHS - U.S. Health and Human Services
WCS - AHEAD - Animal Health for the Environment And Development
WCS - Global Avian Influenza Network for Surveillance (GAINS)
WCS - Leads Initiative To Track Avian Influenza Overseas
WHO - Avian influenza - Latest Information
WHO - Avian influenza useful links
WHO - Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response
WHO - Influenza Pandemic Task Force
WHO - National Influenza Pandemic Plans
World Bank - Avian Influenza

The web sites are drawn from

1. the sectors of public health, veterinary medicine, wildlife monitoring,
disaster preparedness planning;

2. international institutions e.g. OIE, WHO, WCS,

S. U.S. national institutions e.g. USGov't, HHS, USGS, USDA;

4. national pandemic plans as aggregated by WHO and FAO;

5. networks such as NBII (National Biological Informatoin Infrastructure);

6. maps aggregated by NBII as well as Google Earth, often with time series;

7, open sources such as Wikipedia and the Supercourse.

8. news sources such as Google News by specific topic;

9. e-jounrals via Google Scholar by author and topic.

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