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Go to the next lecture "Survival and the life table"

Mammography Exercise

1. Under age 50, sensitivity is 75%, over 50, sensitivity is 90%.

2. Under 50, 640 abnormal mammograms yield 17 cancers; FP/TP ratio is 623/17 = 36.7. Over 50, 100 abnormal mammograms yield 14 cancers; FP/TP ratio is 86/14 = 6.1. Expressing these as positive predictive values, we get 17/640 = 2.7% and 14/100 = 14%., respectively.

3. Under 50, incidence is 1.42/1,000/year (based on 1/70 in 10 years, or 1/700/year) and mortality is 0.37/1,000/year (based on 37 deaths in 10,000 in 10 years). Over 50, incidence - 2.5/1,000/year (based on 1/40/10 years). Mortality – 0.67/1,000/year (based on 1/150 in 10 years).

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