
The Andalusians and their Migrations to Egypt in the Middle Ages: A Study in Cultural Heritage

Lectures from (11/15/2023)

The BA Center for Islamic Civilization Studies, in cooperation with the Spanish Cultural Center (Instituto Cervantes), is organizing a lecture entitled "The Andalusians and their Migrations to Egypt in the Middle Ages: A Study in Cultural Heritage", delivered by Dr. Jorge Lirola, Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Almería, Spain. It will be held on Wednesday, 15 November 2023, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Conference Center, Delegates Hall.

The lecture deals with the migrations of scholars, merchants, and owners of crafts and industries to Egypt in the Middle Ages, where Egypt was linked to the people of the Maghreb and Andalusia by political, cultural, social, and economic ties. These ties had significant impacts on shaping the cultural heritage in Egypt, as it was a crossing point for all Moroccans and Andalusians, who came to the East or returned from it to their country to perform the Hajj, seek knowledge, trade, Rabat, or settle down, whether by land or sea. We even find some Muslim geographers and historians considering Alexandria to be the border between the East and the West. It was the "Rabat", the great Islamic port, and the first stop for Moroccan and Andalusians during their travel to the East, seeking rest and listening to the lessons of its scholars, or visiting its religious and historical monuments.