
Feeding Bodies, Feeding Minds
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Feeding minds entails processes related to acquiring knowledge and improving mental abilities; however, without feeding our bodies, our minds will never be nourished.

Four of the World’s Dangerous Beaches
(Earth Sciences)

Beaches are usually associated with relaxation, leisure, and fun activities. Yet, some beaches can break the rule, hindering one’s enjoyment or even ruining a most-awaited vacation. Here are some of the world’s most dangerous beaches.

Dancing with the Stars
(Astronomy and Space Sciences)

Auroras are caused by solar winds, which are charged particles travelling from the Sun, coming into contact with the Earth’s magnetic fields. Only when we follow the particles’ journey from its inception to its contact with the Earth’s magnetic field, we understand how it all takes place, so let our journey begin!

Technical Textiles in Our Lives
(Inventions and Innovations)

The modern industrial revolution in the field of textile manufacturing and its applications has helped break out from the narrow and familiar framework of textile manufacturing, transforming it from one functional purpose to a variety of functional fields and purposes that depend in their work on the mechanical and chemical properties of different textiles.

Drones: Planes Without Pilots
(Inventions and Innovations)

A “plane without pilot” is a flying robot that can be controlled remotely to divert its path or fly straight forward, using the programs existing on its integrated systems by directing signals to the plane's sensors.

Avian Flu
(Health and Diseases)

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on June 5 the first-ever case of a human infection with H5N2, a different strain of avian influenza. What is avian flu?

Bone Broth: Social Media Trend or Health Elixir?
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Bone broth is one of the nutritional trends that has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years. Whether it is a fad or a lasting dietary staple remains to be seen.

Lighting Up Their Own World
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Even though humans cannot physically light up, other creatures that we share this Earth with can! While we cannot see in the dark, and therefore rely heavily on artificial light to help us see when night falls, some creatures have eyes that are built to help them see at night, while others have the ability to create their own light.

Brain Taste Buds
(Human Body)

When you order your favourite dessert, your brain can determine the taste of this mouth-watering sight without actually tasting it. This has paved the way for scientists in the last decade to determine how can the brain associate the sight to the taste without the tongue tasting it?

When Oceans Lose Their Memory
(Earth Sciences)

Whereas we witness rapid changes in atmospheric weather, the ocean temperature changes slowly. It is probable that the temperature of ocean water tomorrow will be only slightly different from its value today, thanks to the good memory of the ocean water. 

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip: Are we a Step Closer to Witnessing Real-Life Cyborgs?
(Inventions and Innovations)

Elon Musk, tech billionaire and the second wealthiest person in the world at the moment has recently announced on his X account that his medical device company “Neuralink” has become the first to successfully implant a microchip into a human brain. 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms and Causes
(Health and Diseases)

Have you ever had a painful accident that negatively affected you for a while? You may have once experienced a distressing event or psychological harm that left you suffering for weeks, or perhaps years. The anxiety and confusion you felt is known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Fertilizers Battling World Hunger
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

Fertilizer is a material of natural or synthetic origin applied to soils to supply more plant nutrients essential to plant growth. Conservative estimates report that 30% to 50% of crop yields are attributed to natural or synthetic commercial fertilizer.

The Mission of Jupiter Supercomputer
(Computers and Information Technology)

In June 2022, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) was chosen to host Jupiter, Europe's first supercomputer, which can process a quintillion (a million trillion) mathematical calculations per second.

Underwater Museums
(Science in Arts and Culture)

Human artistic creations cast their good shadows under the sea. They carry glimpses of the human history and culture, reflect the scientist's and artist's sense of responsibility towards the environment, and give hope to various forms of marine life and to the future of the planet. On the occasion of the World Museum Day, read more on the the role of underwater museums in preserving marine life.

Chernobyl: A Manmade Disaster
(Physical and Chemical Sciences)

Planet Earth is often plagued by natural disasters, from volcanoes and earthquakes, to hurricanes and tsunamis, natural disasters can be truly horrendous. Yet, more often than not, manmade disasters wreak even more havoc. This article is about Chernobyl, one of the worst manmade disasters of all time.

Can Music Affect Plant Growth?
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Plants are complex multi-cell organisms that are believed to respond to external stimulators, just like humans; but, is this true? Can music affect plants? What does science have to say in this regard?

The Puzzling Ringed Planet
(Astronomy and Space Sciences)

Saturn is known as the most imposing planet for its magnificent rings. Its spectacular golden arrays, which reflect the sunlight, must have taken Galileo’s breath away when he first spotted them through a telescope in 1610, more than 400 years ago!

Go Green (3): Your Guide to a Sustainable Outdoor Lifestyle
(Education, Business, and Society)

Never miss a chance to live a little greener. You can practice simple good green habits and lead a sustainable outdoor lifestyle.

The Office
(Education, Business, and Society)

The history of the office illustrates how work has evolved, as well as how physical workspaces respond to technological, cultural and social forces.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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