Articles (Climate Change)

Nature's Palette: Living Colors (Plantae)
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

The plant and animal kingdoms abound with bright colors, from the lush green of photosynthesizing plants to the striking colors of fluttering butterflies.

​Biodiversity at Stake: A Historical Account
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

What makes Earth unique among its peer planets is that it supports life. For ages, the planet has embraced diverse forms of life that flourished across its oceans and lands and has been home to innumerable species. 

Climate Change and Human Health
(Earth Sciences)

Nowadays, everyone around the world is familiar with the dangers of climate change as one of the most visible environmental concerns, where temperature is rising, polar glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. 

Watermelon Snow
(Earth Sciences)

Arctic glaciers play several vital environmental roles. They stabilize weather patterns and serve as natural air conditioners.

​Vitamin Sea: Thalassotherapy
(Health and Diseases)

As summer approaches, we start planning our vacations; first on the list is going to the beach, where we enjoy swimming and tanning. 

Ocean Circulation
(Earth Sciences)

Ocean circulation is the vast water motion inside ocean basins; the Sun, wind, Earth’s rotation, tides, and water density discrepancies affect those currents.

Egypt’s Natural Treasure
(Earth Sciences)

Egypt has been gifted with hundreds of mineral water springs and sand baths that can heal many diseases; it is considered one of the most important therapeutic spots in the world

Sharks’ Critical Role in Life on Earth
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Sharks existed one million years before humans and survived for 450 million years; now, they are in danger of extinction.

"Before the Flood" Documentary Review
(Science in Arts and Culture)

Ten years after Davis Guggenheim’ documentary An Inconvenient Truth (2006), which aimed at raising awareness on climate change, National...

Drought Attack
(Earth Sciences)

Water, the source of life, has come under pressure in recent years; many predict that future wars will be fought to gain control over water supplies. 

Air Conditioners of Ancient Times
(Inventions and Innovations)

Modern air-conditioning has emerged from advances in chemistry during the 19th century; the first large-scale electrical air-conditioning was invented and used in 1902 by American inventor Willis Carrier.

The Doomsday Vault
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

In a place far, far away, where snow-covered ground is all one can see for miles and miles, in a climate that is one of the coldest on Earth, a vault has been built. Deep in the ground, its tunnels run until you reach a vault that houses one of humanity’s most precious treasures. It is not gold or diamonds that you will find carefully stored in this vault; instead, neatly nestled in individual envelopes, carefully labeled and marked, what this vault preserves are seeds. It is a place where all countries had a hand in filling it up, and where you may find countries that are now at conflict or are in discord have seeds stored there for safekeeping, peacefully next to each other.

Egyptian Food and Agriculture Statistics
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Since the Pharaonic era, Egypt is an agricultural nation. The Nile River and the fertile soils on its banks have allowed Egyptians to build a splendid civilization based on agriculture. Nowadays, agriculture is one of the main pillars of the Egyptian economy; in 2012, agriculture contributed with 13.4% of the national gross domestic production and employed 27.1% of the total Egyptian workforce.

(Education, Business, and Society)

With the increasing evidence of human-initiated climate change, people throughout the world are coming together to try to reduce their carbon footprint. Groups are trying to move away from the dependence of fossil fuels and consumerist practices. There is a focus on producing and consuming locally, and living as sustainably as possible. Many initiatives are encouraged, such as reducing energy use, creating sustainable local businesses, localizing farming and creating environmentally minded communities known as “eco-villages”.

Meat of the Future
(Food, Mood, and Behavior)

In the future, meat will no longer come from animals, or at least that is what scientists are hoping for. Scientists have, in recent years, been working on growing meat in labs, this is produced through “tissue-engineering” technology. The reason researchers are working on developing this new scientific field is to try to provide cruelty-free meat, as well as combat the adverse environmental impact that cattle farming creates. The advantages of growing meat in labs, is that it will take up less space than cattle farming, freeing up fields to be used for farming or other projects.

Say Goodbye to the Edison Bulb
(Inventions and Innovations)

Thomas Edison changed the world by inventing the incandescent light bulb; it is time to change the world again by another revolutionary invention.

Save the Trees…Save the Planet
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Trees do not just offer wonderful scenery, but they offer life also; when they breathe, we breathe.

Adapting to Extremes
(Human Body)

Since the beginning of time, we humans have been vulnerable to our surroundings; thus have always sought out environments with certain qualities that our bodies can resist without being susceptible to any harmful consequences.

International Tiger Day: 29 July
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Tigers are among the most magnificent animals in the world. However, they are also vulnerable to extinction. A hundred years ago, there were 100,000 tigers in the wild; but today, there are as few as 3,200.

Arctic Methane Release
(Earth Sciences)

Methane is the main ingredient of natural gas and an extremely potent greenhouse gas, far more powerful than carbon dioxide. Over 60% of the total of the methane emitted is from natural sources.

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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