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Capacity development for indigenous territorial management

Document type: report
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Abstract: This Note explores the construction of a sustainable and culturally appropriate model of indigenous territorial management through the case study of the experiences of the ‘Chiquitania’ region in Bolivia and the role of SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) in this. Sharing this experience should provide some guidelines for the construction of territorial management models in different cultural contexts. In 1996, an agrarian reform law was enacted, which permitted the granting of collective land titles to indigenous populations under the legal designation of Tierras Comunitarias de Origen (TCO; in English, ‘Traditional Communal Lands’). At present, TCOs make up approximately 16% of the national territory. However, the legal recognition of indigenous ownership of traditional communal lands was only the first step. From the beginning, the indigenous people have demanded a new political and administrative division of the Bolivian State, which would include the concept of Autonomous Indigenous Territories and recognize their right of self-government of their TCOs.
Authors: Tapia, T. , Pilar Valencia, M. del
Series Title: PraxisNote
Country: Bolivia
Category: Policy
Serial number: 35
Keywords: governance , indigenous peoples , capacity building
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: 15
Place: Oxford
Publisher: International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC)
Year: 2007
Region: Latin America , South America
Right: © 2007 SNV (Bolivia)
Subject: Social and Political Change
Title: Capacity development for indigenous territorial management

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