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Capacity development services : a learning approach to enhancing capacity in SNV east Africa

Document type: book
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Abstract: In 2003 SNV East Africa commissioned the BAP CDS (Capacity Development Services) study with the aim of documenting SNV advisory practice in five countries of eastern Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. It is part of the Building Advisory Practice (BAP) initiative of SNV East Africa and has the following overall aims: (1) to document past and current experiences of SNV in East Africa with regard to process facilitation of CDS; (2) to foster harmonization of policies and practices in East Africa; and (3) to compare, triangulate, and benchmark SNV's advisory practice with the services of other relevant CDS suppliers.
Authors: Velden, F. van der , Leenknegt, A.-M. , Haijtink, A.
Country: Ethiopia , Kenya , Rwanda , Tanzania, United Republic of , Uganda
Category: Policy
ISBN: 98-77821-13-9
Keywords: development policy , capacity building
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: x, 78
Place: Nairobi
Publisher: SNV East Africa and Southern Africa Region
Year: 2005
Region: Africa South of Sahara , East Africa
Right: © 2005 SNV
Subject: Development Cooperation General
Title: Capacity development services : a learning approach to enhancing capacity in SNV east Africa

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