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The bamboo product chain : creating opportunities for small producers

Document type: report
Download file(s): 117024 (377 KB)
Abstract: Certain local actors, including local NGOs, officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and larger entrepreneurs driven by social motives, expressed interest in exploring the opportunities offered by bamboo for reducing poverty. Supported by SNV advisors, they came up with a new strategy for supporting the entire bamboo production chain. This would benefit a whole range of stakeholders, including small producers (over 5,000 families) and traditional bamboo gatherers, as well as small traders, lorry-drivers, manufacturers and exporters. Although all actors believed in the potential of the bamboo business, nobody (except, perhaps, the agro-industrial groups) had any clear ideas about the path to follow or the specific strategies that were needed. In November 2003, the SNV organized a strategic planning workshop that was attended by 30 representatives from the main players in the production chain. After two days’ work, the participants drew up a document setting out the Advisory Council’s philosophy, mission, strategic objectives, activities, values and principles, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the various actors. The participants also agreed to establish three inter-sector task forces, each of which was tasked with developing and monitoring an action plan. One task force was to focus on the international and national markets, a second task force was asked to come up with ways and means of consolidating the Bamboo Advisory Council, and the third task force was requested to produce a development plan for bamboo and its derived products that would enhance added value locally.
Authors: Marlin, C.
Series Title: Market Access for the Poor
Country: Ecuador
Category: Practice
Keywords: plant production , partnership , private sector , public sector
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: [3]
Place: [The Hague]
Publisher: SNV
Year: 2004
Region: Latin America , South America
Right: © 2004 SNV
Subject: Agriculture and Rural Development
Title: The bamboo product chain : creating opportunities for small producers

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