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Collecting and propagating local development content : synthesis and conclusions

Document type: report
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Abstract: For ICTs to become an effective empowerment tool, they need to be conveyors of locally relevant messages and information and provide opportunities for local people to interact and communicate with each other, expressing their own ideas, knowledge and culture in their own languages. In a search for ways to promote local content, we have few guidelines to follow. Should we create more effective ‘push’ mechanisms, increasing and improving the supply of content? Should we focus on the demand side, so that local content is more highly valued? Should we look at the containers in which content is packaged, making them more attractive and accessible? Should different content types get different treatment? Drawing from a consultation process to examine how local content in developing countries is created, adapted, and exchanged, this report provides some answers to these questions. It is a synthesis of lessons; the case stories reproduced in a companion report provide details on actual experiences and lessons from the ground.
Authors: Ballantyne, P.
Series Title: Research Report
Category: General
Serial number: 7
Keywords: information and communication technologies , communication , indigenous knowledge
Language: eng
Organization: IICD - International Institute for Communication and Development
PAGE: 25
Place: The Hague
Publisher: IICD
Year: 2002
Region: Africa South of Sahara
Right: © 2002 IICD
Subject: Information, Knowledge and Communication
Title: Collecting and propagating local development content : synthesis and conclusions

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