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Religious organizations and HIV prevention in Mozambique

Document type: article
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Abstract: The role of religion in the fight against HIV and AIDS is frequently talked about. It is often argued that religion discourages risky behaviour and therefore serves as a barrier to HIV infection. In particular, it is said that religious people are less likely to have multiple or casual sexual partners. Religious organizations can also make an important contribution to raising public awareness of HIV and AIDS by using their institutional channels and mechanisms. In poor areas, where secular institutions are relatively weak and ineffective, the role of religious organizations, with their social mobilization potential and networks of committed activists, can be especially important. At the sme time, religious leaders may disagree with the secular authorities on approaches to HIV prevention. Religious leaders may be particularly reluctant to directly accept (not to mention to promote) the notions of safer sex and condom use on the grounds that this encourages extramarital and casual sex.
Authors: Agadjanian, V.
Country: Mozambique
Category: Practice
End Page: 15
Serial number: 2
ISSN: [1871-7551]
Journal: Exchange on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender
Keywords: HIV and AIDS , disease prevention and control , management
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
Year: 2006
Region: East Africa
Right: © 2006 KIT
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Start Page: 14
Title: Religious organizations and HIV prevention in Mozambique

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