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The roots of critical thinking : South Africa : [an interview]

Document type: article
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Abstract: The Children’s Rights Centre is an NGO situated in Durban, South Africa. As its name suggests, the Centre is committed to children’s rights and sees its work as establishing a child friendly society and a sustainable children’s rights culture in South Africa. It works towards this goal by trying to have the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child entrenched in the laws of the country, in the fabric of South African society and in human relations at every level. Since it’s inception in 1988, it has evolved from activist roots to supporting projects, and advocating and lobbying for long term development. Never losing sight of the children at the heart of its work, the Centre also provides training for child-based organisations, develops materials, provides information, supports organisation building, facilitates children’s participation, and raises awareness. While the Centre’s office is situated in Durban, its work has national and international relevance. Critical thinking is an essential aspect of its work on children’s rights, and it encourages critical thinking by all parties at all times. This feature is based on an interview with Cati Vawda, the Director. It explains her ideas of how adults can build on children’s ability to think critically, starting at birth so that the foundations for continuous development are laid early.
Authors: Vawda, C.
Country: South Africa
Category: Practice
End Page: 37
Serial number: 102
ISSN: 1387-9553
Journal: Early Childhood Matters
Keywords: education , children , human rights
Language: eng
Organization: Bernard van Leer Foundation
Year: 2004
Region: Southern Africa
Right: © 2004 Bernard van Leer Foundation
Subject: Social and Political Change
Start Page: 36
Title: The roots of critical thinking : South Africa : [an interview]