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De beperkte reikwijdte van maatschappelijk verantwoord beleggen

Document type: report
Download file(s): 126886 (265 KB)
Abstract: The scope of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the banking world of the Netherlands is examined and the levels of CSR at ING Groep, Rabobank Groep, ABN AMRO, Fortis Nederland, SNS REAAL, Triodos Bank and the ASN Bank are compared. All of these banks offered clients the option of sustainable investment. Clients were given the opportunity to screen their portfolio for sustainability criteria, to create a sustainable portfolio or to invest in sustainable funds. Only the smaller banks, such as SNS REAAL, ASN Bank and Triodos Bank, applied exclusion criteria to the investment choices of their clients. Clearly, the financial sector has developed detailed CSR policies, but these policies are applied to a minor part of total bank investments only. It is recommended that banks provide more transparency regarding the application of CSR policies to the totality of their investments.
Authors: Kokke, M. , Os, R. van
Series Title: SOMO Paper
Country: Netherlands
Category: General
ISBN: 978-90-71284-33-5
Serial number: Januari
Keywords: finance , sustainable development , human rights , conflict , environmental degradation
Language: nld
Organization: SOMO - Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations
PAGE: 11
Place: Amsterdam
Publisher: SOMO
Year: 2009
Right: © 2009 SOMO
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: De beperkte reikwijdte van maatschappelijk verantwoord beleggen

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