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Affaires de commerce! : la pêche au Sénégal et en Mauritanie

Document type: report
Download file(s): 200482 (611 KB)
Abstract: This case study describes the dilemma presented by the need for cash flow for Mauritania and Senegal’s state treasuries, the limits offered by the marine ecosystems off their coasts, and the developmental needs of their fishing communities. It connects the loss of fish stocks directly to the impoverished people whose livelihoods depend on the ability to catch, eat, and sell fish. It shows where fishery agreements and trade and investment agreements have been inadequate in ensuring sustainable livelihoods for the fishing communities of these two countries so far, while simultaneously maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem. Europe plays a role in this story – it is not the main culprit of over-fishing, but it certainly contributes. By utilising its economic might and its aid relationships, Europe can help the West African economies to sustainably manage fish resources, and in doing so, provide equitable access to marine resources for current and future generations. A perfect opportunity will arise with the renegotiation of the fishery agreements into partnership agreements, in 2006. This case study is part of a series produced by IUCN-National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL) and Both ENDS to provide more insight into the relationships that exist between economic policy (such as trade and investment policies), the achievement of sustainable livelihoods in poor countries, and halting the loss of biodiversity. Each case describes a specific example, and offers recommendations on how to move forward. The cases are intended to support the current discussions worldwide on how globalisation can benefit all life on earth.
Note: Traduction de l’Anglais J. Lumumba
Authors: Gaag, P. van der , Creyghton, R. , Sunyé, J. , Verwer, S. , Nassau, C. van , Scholte, P. , Konigel, C. , Hartogh, H. , Ilge, B. , Corten, A. , Lankester, K. , Diouf, P.S. , Vries, L. de
Country: Senegal , Mauritania
Category: Research
Editor: Engelbrecht, K.
Keywords: environment , fisheries , policy , poverty , sustainable development , trade
Language: fra
Organization: IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands , Both ENDS
Organization: Nature and poverty
PAGE: 16
Place: IUCN [etc.]
Publisher: [Amsterdam]
Year: 2006
Region: West Africa
Right: © 2006 IUCN, Nature and poverty & Both ENDS
Subject: Environment and Natural Resources
Title: Affaires de commerce! : la pêche au Sénégal et en Mauritanie

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