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The formalization and integration of the domestic market into LAS: Cameroon

Document type: report
Download file(s): 442093 (625 KB)
Abstract: In May 2010, the government of Cameroon initialled a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) with the EU under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. It has pledged that by 2012 all timber harvested in the country will be of legal origin. Cameroon committed itself to trace the source of all timber produced in the country – both for export and domestic use – within the framework of a Legality Assurance System (LAS). The government is making technical efforts to fulfil this obligation—but to ensure the legal production of timber a new approach will be needed to fully integrate small-scale informal logging into the national economy and to improve the governance of the sector. This document focuses on timber production for the domestic market in Cameroon which is largely supplied by informal chainsaw milled lumber. It includes the state of the art on the domestic timber sector in Cameroon - its governance, social, environmental and economic impacts -, and identifies the challenges of, and makes recommendations for bringing this subsector under a formal regime as agreed in the VPA.
Authors: Wit, M. , Cuny, P. , Zagt, R. , Bauer, T.
Country: Cameroon
Category: General
Keywords: forestry , government , markets , private sector
Language: eng
Organization: Tropenbos International
PAGE: 40
Place: [Wageningen]
Publisher: Tropenbos International
Year: 2012
Region: Africa South of Sahara , Central Africa
Right: © 2012 Tropenbos International
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: The formalization and integration of the domestic market into LAS: Cameroon

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