Walid Zidan
Energy Track


Walid I. Zidan is the Supervisor of the Egyptian System of Nuclear Material Accounting for and Control (ESAC), National Center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control (NCNSRC), Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Egypt; and Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering. He was the first Manager of the Nuclear Fuel Plant (FMPP), 1996-2000. Zidan obtained his PhD from the University of Alexandria, Egypt, in Chemical Engineering. He is a member of the American Institute of Nuclear Material Management (INMM) and the World Institute of Nuclear Security (WINS). He also served as a member of the Technical Drafting Committee (TDC) of the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiation Law; no. 7/2010 (2007-2010) and participated in several legal and technical topics concerning launching of the Egyptian Nuclear Power Program with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), European Commission (EC), South Korea and other International Partners.

He authored 21 scientific publications in international, regional and national refereed journals focusing on nuclear chemical engineering, nuclear safety and nuclear security related research.
