How to Write a Successful Research Proposal

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“How to Write a Successful Research Proposal-For Engineering and Information Technology Researchers & Graduate (PhD/MS) Students”

Alexandria—The Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP) is pleased to announce the launching of: How to Write a Successful Research Proposal for Engineering and Information Technology researchers Workshop. This is a three-day workshop aimed at strengthening researchers’ skill in writing proposals through the delivery of quality skill development training to young Egyptian researchers in the field of Engineering and Information Technology. The lectures, in the workshop, are given by Professor Mohamed El-Sharkawi as a part Of his : Visiting Scholar Program that includes activities for Engineering sciences researchers and patricians.

The workshop will provide the scientific researchers with professional research-proposal writing techniques. The training will raise the researchers potential to acquire research grants and polish the researchers exposure and interaction with world wide scientific venues.

Over the course of three days split over three sessions per day, the workshop will focus on the development of research proposals writing techniques with focus on the Engineering practices and new paradigms for the 21 century. In addition to briefing on Engineering Research and practical Ethics. Practical exercises and assignments will be given during the sessions. Handouts will be given to attendees by the end of each session.

For more details click here.

Click here for the workshop agenda.


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