Experts Debate the Origin of Extremist Movements at the “Nurturing Extremism” Conference

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The “Nurturing Extremism: A Reading of the Measures of Intellectual Confrontation” three day Conference was inaugurated at the BA on Sunday, 3 January 2016 with the participation experts from 18 Arab countries in topics concerning extremism, terrorism, sociology, political science, and Islamic sciences.

The first session of the conference, entitled “Constants and Variables in the Extremism Movement”, was led by Egyptian politician Dr. Mostafa el-Feki. The session stressed that Islam is not to blame for the criminal acts committed by terrorist organizations that use religion as a cover for their intentions.

Additionally, the conference covered the topic of “Violence and Terrorism–Initial Intellectual Confrontation” by discussing political and social extremist movements that used religion to garner support.

The discussion also tackled “The National Reconciliation in Algeria: A Reading of the Charter Project for Peace and National Understanding” by explaining the stages of the Algerian national reconciliation, which was based on three pillars: security, law, and culture.

The first day of the conference was concluded with stressing that extremism is not exclusive to Islamic movements alone, but also exists within numerous other movements, such as communism and other ideologies.


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