TriNex is an EU TEMPUS three-year project (December 2013–November 2016) that aims to create a national platform through which universities can collaborate in organizing activities related to research, innovation, and education for the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus. This platform will be a meeting point for researchers of different disciplines from Egypt and Europe, who will come together to help Egypt achieve water, energy, and food security.


The project has nine partners, including four European universities, three Egyptian universities, one American university, and the BA (represented by the CSSP). The objective of the project is to improve the role of universities in the Egyptian society by developing a national strategy to improve the synergy between research, education, and innovation (Knowledge-Triangle) in the WEF Nexus. It also aims to  strengthen WEF Nexus Knowledge-Triangle activities in universities and beyond by establishing five coordination bodies inside participating universities. Moreover, the project hopes to create a qualified generation of WEF junior researchers and enable them to cooperate across their universities through WEF training programs. It also aims to develop an online knowledge-sharing system to facilitate cooperation between the European and Egyptian universities.