
The BA Sinnari House is organizing  the seventh Min Fat Ademoh Tah (He Who Abandons His Past is Lost) Festival, an annual week-long festival that aims to promote traditional handicrafts.

This year’s guest of honor is Morocco, in cooperation with Moroccan community in Egypt. The festival aims to present the efforts of various Egyptian cities in preserving their heritage and traditional crafts, which is a means of preserving the national Egyptian identity. The Min Fat Ademoh Tah Festival is considered one of the most important traditional crafts festival in the Middle East. It is also looked upon as a highly ranked and prestigious festival in this field, as it promotes depreciating crafts in Egypt and promotes innovation in the field of traditional crafts through hosting young artists that present new ideas in that field.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Sennari House (in Cairo) 18 - 24 August 2017 12:00 22:00 Festival Open For Public