: English / ÚÑÈì ÚÑÈì


Dr Youssef Mohamed Mohamed Ali Hashim
Lecturer on Human Development and the Founder of the Center for Instilling Values for Children, Owner and Director of Al-Youssef Educational Group (Talent Training & Consulting – Instilling of Values – Al-Youssef Educational)


Dr. Youssef is a professional lecturer on several business management, quality, and human development topics in many universities, associations, cultural centers, culture palaces, and rehabilitation centers for juveniles. He has trained more than 10,000 trainees (private and public trainings) in 2014. He has been interviewed in more than 60 television episodes on Alexandria Channel, MBC, and Nile TV. Dr. Youssef is the founder of the Center for Instilling Values for Children, and this program was applied as a mandatory class in many schools, such as (Alexandria Language School ​​and Saqr Language School). The program of Instilling Values was also applied in many prestigious educational establishments. Dr. Youssef has participated in many seminars on various topics; including the program of instilling values for children at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and Rotary clubs. He has obtained numerous honors and appreciations from different colleges and educational departments for the provision of a variety of lectures at these entities. He was granted a membership of the Rotary Club of Alexandria – West, for providing excellent lectures on memory and instilling values.




Presentation Abstract

Memory Techniques and Their Role in the Educational Process

Science is the boat of civilization and memory is its sail Since ancient times, man knew the value of science and its role in building his civilization; so he resorted to bequeath science and to transmit experiences from generation to another. His memory was the key role in this succession process, and he recognized that memory is what distinguishes him from other creatures. Memory saved for him all sciences, and helped him to bequeath sciences through generations.

Countries have been keen to develop the four pillars of the educational system (school - teacher - curriculum - educational methods). We have seen a real revolution that includes all pillars of the educational system.

If we study this revolution, especially in the field of educational methods, we can see a giant leap represented in two basic directions in the development of these educational methods, namely:

- Funny Learning
- Simplification of Science

Here we stop to add a new trend, not new in its importance; however, new in its technique and style. Therefore, this research paper explains the new addition, which is ‘Memory Techniques’. This is an innovative research on how to use memory techniques in the academic process. We present theoretically and practically how the brain releases energies, and the use of the right brain lobe, especially in studying curricula in few hours, perhaps a few minutes, through the formation of (mental images) of the material to be studied. Perhaps we have taken the lead in the introduction of this technology in modern education.